Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Refugee and Me

So, I've taken a Hurricane Katrina evacuee into my castle as a houseguest. It's a long story, suffice to say I'm soft hearted.

El is a 45 year old hotel employee who packed a couple of days clothes in a beach bag expecting to ride out the hurricane at the Sheraton Hotel where she worked. She has never been able to return home. The hotel management company that she works for offered jobs to all their evacuated employees at hotels around the country, flew them there, and put them up in hotel rooms. Poor El is 1500 miles from home, her family and friends are scattered around the country, and she is trying to work through the worst case of government bullshit that I could ever imagine.

Between FEMA and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, it is a wonder that this poor woman hasn't had a complete nervous breakdown. I am ready to send the Castle Corsairs to storm the Governor's office and force him to DO.SOMETHING.FOR.THIS.WOMAN. All she wants is to get a Mass. Drivers License so that she can register a donated car and have some transportation.

After much publicity about 'Operation Helping Hand' and how Massachusetts has set up a process to facilitate the evacuees that have landed on our shores, I can attest that THE.SYSTEM.IS.NOT.WORKING. If Mitt Romney runs for President and gets elected, it will just be more Dubya all over again.
Countess Bedelia 10/19/2005 12:10:00 PM


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