Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back to the Big Apple !!

Looking forward to being in New York City this weekend, taking in a few shows, and seeing my friends.

Saturday night I will finally get to see Altar Boyz. This little gem of a musical comedy has been around for almost a year with great reviews. An original production about 5 small town boys in a boy band in their quest for success.

Sunday afternoon Cynthia Nixon (Sex & The City) and Tyne Daly (Cagney & Lacey, Judging Amy) are starring in "Rabbit Hole". A drama about how a family tragedy changes so many lives.

Sunday night is "Confessions of a Mormon Boy". This is a one man show about a young gay man's journey through excommunication from the Mormon Church, divorce, male prostitution, and drug abuse. Whew! Good thing he turned his life into a comedy act!

The highlight of the trip will be Monday night. Andy Borowitz at Mo Pitkin's. Check out his daily comical political commentary at Andy turns the political topic of the day into a hilarious spoof and sends it to your email 5 days a week. I have been wanting to see his live show for quite awhile but he only appears at Mo's once a month; thus the reason for this trip.

Comic relief is needed this week to take away the cloud of gloom that has descended with:

1) The confirmation of Alito to the Supreme Court.
2) The defense by our president of spying on citizens in the name of "terrorism defense".
3) The fact that the Democrats pontificate and lecture about the criminality of the current administration (witness Harry Reid's speech this week), yet no one pays attention, nevermind bring the president up for impeachment.
4) The election of a conservative government in Canada, even though it is a minority one. Lots of gay friends in the Toronto area are saddened by this turn of events.

But just to offset a little, a bit of happy news:

The Pride Agenda and New York's LGBT community organizations won a solid victory. For the first time in four years, funding targeting critical health and human services needs for LGBT citizens was restored to full funding levels in the Governor's budget. From last year's $1.0 million to this year's $2.373 million.

I support the Empire State Pride Agenda as well as MassEquality in my home state. Both organizations work so diligently for LGBT rights.
Countess Bedelia 1/25/2006 09:45:00 AM


Please let me know how things went in NY! :)

I thought of you this morning, when I was wiping tears off my face watching Broke Back Mountain. Thanks for suggesting it!

Talk to you soon!

Mr. B
Mr. B, I can't even read the story without crying. The folded shirts get me every time. I am so happy it is winning awards and, best of all, MAKING MONEY. It was reported today that it has passed the $50 million mark. That is what TPTB care about. I hope it translates into more mainstream movies like this.

The Countess

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