Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Countess is Home!

Now some people might think that home is the place to be. And my home is definitely beautiful. I love my home.

But what does home represent? Today, home is close to my work, family, and normal daily routines. Very comfortable. A good place to be. Tomorrow, I'm not so sure.

I am at a time of life where I am open to so many suggestions of alternative lifestyles. I can go to the South, West, or East. There is something for everyone whereever you go. Why isn't what I have enough? Lots of reasons. People age and change, their families change, your own life changes.

Right now I am home, back at work, and wondering what my next step will be. I am so open right now to all possibilities. I have expanded my horizons. Life is waiting to be explored on the next adventure.
Countess Bedelia 2/02/2006 11:07:00 PM


Oh Good Lord! I'm on Brian's laptop at Ditmar's bar and I never knew you had a site, Countess. I distinctly remember looking for it some time ago, but must have flubbed it. (Not unusual given my retardedness.) How lovely; now I can spend Sunday reading the words of a Woman of Society.

I'm here with Mrs. Astor at 1200 Ocean Drive. In my drunkeness Thursday night, I had a moment and it slipped about our surprise. But this only means that we will have to REALLY surprise them that day. Muahahahahahah!

Much love,

Mr. B
Beware, Countess, Palace spies have informed me the "surprise" involves the two of you in period costume. What period eludes us still, but I hope you look good in a kilt, and a hooped one at that.
Mrs. Astor, you will be so bored with my little writings about plays and philosophy. I don't think a hoop skirt will do it but I once wore a silver Flapper dress and danced on the bar; but, alas, I think my bar dancing days are behind me!!

Mr. Brian, I love a man who loves surprises!! Hope you are having a great time at the Palace with Mrs. Astor and the rest of the crew.

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