Friday, May 26, 2006
Ian needs all the Positive Energy you can send to him.

It's funny how people come into your life in a random pattern and then end up being an integral part of who you are. One day I didn't know Ian.....and then, I did.
I had been reading Mrs. Astor's blog and noticed a lot of references to and comments by "Ian". So I clicked on his blog and started to read about his story.
One of the things that connected with me....besides the incredible journey that he been forced to take....was his attitude of "Reinvention". Here was a young man who was a star of the stage in Buenos Aires; a young man who had the world by the tail as the saying goes. Struck down but not out. Reinventing himself to accomodate life's cruel tricks. Read his blog and you will be inspired.
Fast forward to today. Ian is back in the hospital. Once again, as incredible happiness came his way with his marriage to Alexis and his success as a director seemed assured, he is again struck down. How much can his beautiful spirit take? He needs all the Positive Energy that we can muster.
I do believe in the power of positive thinking and the power of positive energy. So please, whatever you believe in, please send some of it Ian's way. He is one of the most incredible people I have ever met. The world will be the poorer for the absense of his spirit.
Ian, I love you, my beautiful friend.