Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Random observations by a dissolute Countess

First, please acknowledge my new knight in shining armor, Hoss. He is a diamond in the rough who posts an entertaining blog entry every day. That in itself is worthy of knighthood. (Jesse, take notes.) So I dub thee, Sir Hoss, Keeper of the Dictionary.
In his honor I give you my Word of the Day:
dissolute, adj. given to immoral or improper conduct.; def. What the countess is really like!

Next up, I find out that DJ AM will be at Mansion in Miami Beach this Friday. I doubt that Nicole Ritchie will be with him since they have broken up but for all you fans of "famous people who are famous for being famous", get over to Mansion and check him out. You might wonder why the Countess even knows about this. For some reason Mansion sends me regular e-mails with their entertainment line-up. Go figure!

Now AdAge reports that NBC doubled their advertising rates for Katie Couric's farewell show. From $50,000 for a 30 second spot to $110,000. Pretty good cash if you can get it. And then it just reverberates on down. Same for Meredith Viera's premiere on Today, Rosie's premier on The View, etc. Maybe they engineer this stuff to generate revenue since they can't seem to put on a decent prime time show to save their life.

Next on the list is the new Comic Book Hero, pop song subject, and all around decision making guy, Shrub, The Decider. In the old days, a person with this much power was called a dictator. Today we call him a decider. I must be getting old. Maybe Hoss can dig up a definition to fit.

A bit of really exciting news is that Batwoman is making a comeback as....drumroll, please....a lesbian. Yes, DC Comics is riding the back of Brokeback Mountain and bringing in the first acknowledged lesbian to the comic reading public.

Finally today is the day that the New York State Court of Appeals begins its oral arguments about same sex marriage rights. I invite you to step into the Court and hear the arguments. This is a powerful testimony to the benefit of the internet, as we would never be able to view these proceedings unless we could get ourselves to Albany, NY, and get into the courtroom.

If you read my blog, you know that I am a member of MassEquality and a supporter of the Empire Pride Agenda. I believe in personal freedom and the separation of church and state. I believe that this country is for all its citizens which is why we are defined as a Republic.
I hope that Hoss will agree with this definition.
Countess Bedelia 5/31/2006 06:12:00 PM


Damn betcha, Countess. Hoss is for all of that.

(I really fear a democracy; too many people want my head. Give me a hung jury, anytime.)
I understand completely, Hoss. I always fear 'the majority rules'. All you need is one of your friends to stay home sick and you are hung out to dry!
"Dissolute Tartar of the Volga" is a family I married into a long time ago. It wasn't pretty.
Great blog you got here...popped on over from Mrs. Astor's blog.

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