Tuesday, May 09, 2006
To keep my audience entertained....
It has been a couple of days since I posted and I have a few irons in the fire to post about. I've just had such a busy weekend with lots of people camping in L'Hotel, as The Countess' palace is known (not kidding...I even have a sign).
Countess Bedelia 5/09/2006 06:13:00 PM
Ha! Behavior unbefitting a Countess!
Mrs. A - If The Countess deems the behavior fitting, It Is. I so proclaim.
oh the things we do with white stuff...
by which, i clearly mean snow.
oh the things we do with white stuff...
by which, i clearly mean snow.
Paul - My darling boy, if you, who hail from the cold land of Toronto, finds this amusing, it is a success indeed!