Monday, September 25, 2006
This day in history, 1957
Special to The New York Times
President Eisenhower sent Federal troops to Little Rock, Ark., today to open the way for the admission of nine Negro pupils to Central High School………
Historic Decision
The President's decision to send troops to Little Rock was reached at his vacation headquarters in Newport, R.I. It was one of historic importance politically, socially, constitutionally. For the first time since the Reconstruction days that followed the Civil War, the Federal Government was using its ultimate power to compel equal treatment of the Negro in the South. ……..
This article is available on the New York Times website but you have to be a subscriber to access it.
Norman Rockwell's painting, "The Problem We All Live With", captured the feeling of the times.
We have come a long way in 50 years and we still have so far to go. Support the candidates who support equality when you vote in the November election.