Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Forget the Bling! The real gold was delivered by the N.J. Supreme Court today!

When I got the emails from MassEquality and the Empire State Pride Agenda today, I cried. I can't even convey the depth of emotion that took over. This is so HUGE. And whatever the outcome in the deliberations of the New Jersey legislature, this is another BIG STEP FOR MANKIND and another BIG STEP TOWARDS EQUALITY. Headline: New Jersey Court recognizes right to same sex-unions.

"New Jersey's highest court opened the door Wednesday to making the state the second in the nation to allow gay marriage, ruling that lawmakers must offer homosexuals either marriage or something like it, such as civil unions."

What will Bush and the Repugs use as a wedge issue now?

"You know what's interesting about this whole thing? According to polls, 51 percent of Americans do not approve of gay marriage, but 70 percent of Americans do not approve of President Bush. So gay marriage is actually more popular than he is." --Jay Leno

"A Senate committee on Thursday approved a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage, apparently forgetting that our forefathers wore wigs and satin Capri pants." --Tina Fey

"Some see the move as an attempt to preserve traditional values, while others see it as a cynical ploy to ensure that Vice President Dick Cheney will never have to pay for his gay daughter's wedding." --Jon Stewart, on banning gay marriage
Countess Bedelia 10/25/2006 06:41:00 PM


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