Monday, November 06, 2006

Everyone VOTE Tomorrow!

All the speeches have been made and the viewpoints discussed but the fact remains that if YOU do not vote for candidates who are mandated to champion freedom, equality, and gay rights, IT.WILL.NOT.HAPPEN.

So don't be complacent and think that your vote does not count. IT DOES.

Several years ago I stayed home and didn't vote in a local election. My favored candidate lost by ONE VOTE....and that was mine. I still feel guilty about that.

So please get out and vote tomorrow.
Countess Bedelia 11/06/2006 10:41:00 PM


I voted yesterday, thanks to early polling in Miami-Dade county; tomorrow night at the Palace we'll watch the results roll in. I only wish you were here to join us for a blue hurricane toast!
I voted on Saturday. My sis voted by absentee. I checked out our local polling place this am and it was quiet and somber, There wasn't the typical Republican harassment outside, and no signage. That's a very good omen.
You know I'll be voting Democratic! Its time to bring some checks and balances back to our government. Plus - with a new Democratic Governor and Attorney General, I truly feel that NY State will have legalized gay marriage asap. Who knows if I'll be living here or not, but they Dem's absolutely have my vote!! :-)

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