Thursday, November 30, 2006
How did it get to be Thursday already?
This week has been a quiet one. Just finishing up the turkey leftovers (Thank you, Countess duBarry), resting and relaxing, and catching up on the Internet news and gossip.
There has been quite a variety of things in the news this week.
A couple of very diverse items caught my attention.
Let's start with Britney Spears crotch shots (scroll down the page to see what all the fuss is about!) that have been all over the web. Poor little Britney is out partying with no underwear in a very short dress and then gets her picture taken getting into Paris Hilton's car.
You can watch a video of the flashing Britney, Paris, and Lindsay Lohen trying to get in their car while photographers blind them with spotlights on There is a serious article on that discusses whether or not Britney might be allergic to underwear. It is kind of entertaining in a morbid sort of way.
In a more serious note, I found this article on
"How Corporate America fell in love with gays and lesbians. It's a movement." Apparently a lot of the Fortune 500 companies have found that being gay friendly to workers and consumers translates into big bucks for the bottom line. There is even an organization called "Out and Equal" that brings together the individual company GLBT networks that have been formed by employees within many companies. It's a long article but well worth the read.
The Walt Disney Company Board Declares Annual Cash Dividend of $0.31 Per Share
November 28, 2006 -- The Walt Disney Company board Tuesday declared an annual cash dividend of $0.31 per share, a 14.8% increase from last year’s dividend, payable on January 12, 2007 to shareholders of record at the close of business December 15, 2006.
The January dividend payment represents the 51st consecutive year of dividend payments to shareholders.
Dividends always make this Countess happy. I started buying Disney stock many years ago because the stock certificates were so beautiful. They have all the Disney characters around the perimeter. In this age of internet trading, I think the paper certificates will be worth more than the stock someday as a collector's item.
I wonder if the news of the dividend is what is making Mickey so upbeat today!