Friday, February 09, 2007

Waves to my friends!!

The Countess came back from Miami with a terrible cold and she left her voice somewhere on Ocean Drive (Countess duBarry calls that a blessing!).

Anyway I've been too sick to post since I got back but don't despair....I should have a post and some pictures up tomorrow.

I want to thank the Countess duBarry for the most wonderful party evah...Tiaras at the Palace. Everyone had a fabulous time, the tiaras were beautiful, and best of all, duBarry was the hostess with the mostest!
Countess Bedelia 2/09/2007 01:48:00 PM


The town is still talking about it! And, more so, the follow-up.
Goodness you know that I've seen so much fluid exchange at the palace I'm surprised the CDC isn't doing a study there LOL. Hope you feel better hon, pics where faabooo.

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