Wednesday, May 23, 2007
No American Idol Fan Here...But there is something more important.
We are at war with Iraq, global warming is threatening our lives, gas prices are over $3 per gallon, and whatever....there has to be something more important than the next American "Idol". Hasn't Britney Spears embarrassed us enough?
I have to admit that I haven't actually watched the show called "American Idol". I can't quite care enough about these people to spend my precious time watching them. Of course I don't watch that Bachelor show or Big Brother or any other so-called reality TV which is so NOT reality.
Now my pal, Mr. Brian is walking in the Boston AIDS walk on June 3rd. That is something to pay attention to, IMO. So if you want to support him and give to a worthy cause, just click on this link and pledge some moolah. Show America who is really an Idol and what is really important.
Countess Bedelia 5/23/2007 11:34:00 PM
You have straight priorities, Countess.
I agree definitely more important things in the world than American Idol.