Tuesday, July 03, 2007
She was a magnificent coloratura soprano who rose through the ranks of opera to become the General Manager of the New York City Opera and then Chairman of the Metropolitan Opera. That is true royalty, IMO.
I first saw Bubbles many years ago when she performed for the Boston Opera Company which was under the direction of Sarah Caldwell. She was fantastic!
But I think mainstream America first knew her because of her television appearance with Carol Burnett, "Sills & Burnett at The Met".
This woman was a true legend. It's people like her that make the current fascination with celebutantes like Paris Hilton such a sad commentary on American culture.
Countess Bedelia 7/03/2007 12:42:00 AM
Darn. I just got P. Hilton out of my brain and here you come with it. Beverly Sills....Beverly Sills...etc.
She also made opera interesting and acceptable to other classes by always appearing on TV, promoting it. She, like Kitty, was a dynamo.