Friday, August 03, 2007

Politics as usual,,,,,

Many of us are discouraged by the current crop of Democratic presidential hopefuls and their lack of full support for gay marriage and gay issues in general.

Matt Forman, the Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, has an excellent synopsis of the candidates on his August 1st Blog entry. Read it. It's an excellent treatise on what the candidates are publicly stating as their positions on gay issues. A big shout out to Joe.My.God. for putting the entire entry in his blog and bringing it to my attention.

This is an excerpt from Forman's blog entry:

"Let’s be clear: Romney and McCain do not include our families when they speak of “the family.” The Web sites of other Republicans, except for Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani’s, explicitly reject full and equal recognition of our relationships.

But, what of the Democrats? Sadly, mostly silence. You can find our issues explicitly referenced on only three candidates’ sites (Kucinich, Richardson and Gravel). Frontrunners Clinton, Obama and Edwards carefully parse their support of our people into specific reforms. We find no evidence that the Democratic frontrunners counter Republicans’ anti-LGBT speech with routine and positive inclusion of LGBT people in their visions for a whole and healthy society.

It’s déjà vu all over again — the GOP often slyly and sometimes audaciously whips us for political gain. The Democrats include us — sorta — but only in response to a direct question and typically in the language of careful legislative reform."
Countess Bedelia 8/03/2007 11:14:00 AM


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