Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The Grand Duke makes an appearance....
The Countess had dinner with her grandson, The Grand Duke, the other night. He's moving to Florida soon and I will miss him. I've posted about how he was Captain of his high school and college baseball teams; Captain of the high school football team too. I've been watching him play ball for almost 20 years. Where does the time go?
When I was in the Berkshires, I met a beautiful girl named Carrie who I think would be perfect for Ryan. She reads my blog so maybe I can do a little matchmaking here. I've shown her picture to Ryan and he was impressed.....maybe she will be too.
Here's a picture of him pitching a college game last spring. His pitches have been clocked at 90 MPH.
Here he is showing his newest tatoo. He'll kill me for showing this one...LOL!!
Ryan with his cousins, my two 15 year old granddaughters.
Last year in Ft. Myers when Ryan was pitching for his college in the Collegiate Classic games, his friend Jose went out with us to a Mexican restaurant that had 50 kinds of Margaritas on the menu. I think we tried them all!!! This picture was taken before we got to the 10th one.
So, Carrie, give me a call. I have his number!!
Countess Bedelia 9/12/2007 09:45:00 PM
Leopold noticed in most of your posts that pictures of yourself are attended with magnificent jewelry. I just smiled and said, "She is always draped in jewels. The only thing they do is weigh her down in her Watusi dancing."
Mrs. Astor, Jewels are the mark of a Countess as you well know. And I think you are confusing the stately Minuet for Watusi dancing.