Thursday, October 11, 2007
Oprah show tomorrow on transgender issues
With the controversy swirling around the ENDA legislation that has dropped transgender as an identifiable category in workplace discrimination, Oprah is doing a show about transgender individuals and their families.
I don't want to preach to the choir here as I'm sure my readers want transgender individuals to be covered under ENDA, so just watch the Oprah show if you have a chance tomorrow. I am never home during the day when Oprah is on (and....horrors....I don't TIVO or have DVR), so I hope that some of you will post your opinions of the show.
It seems to me that we are constantly having to vote on civil rights these days and that is very discouraging. Why are we still doing this in this day and age? All citizens should be free to be whoever they feel they want to be. Laws should be on the books to protect our person and our property; not to discriminate against a man wearing a dress or a woman with a butch haircut. Why is this still an issue in this country?
I wear a crown. Does this mean that I should be jailed for anarchy?
Countess Bedelia 10/11/2007 11:20:00 PM