Monday, January 14, 2008
Snow Day in New England
I awoke this morning to SNOW in the front yard......
And SNOW in the back yard.....
SNOW is a four letter word, ya know! Apparently it has been coming down at a rate of about one inch per hour. This is the heavy, wet snow that downs power lines and makes driving a nightmare. So I will stay warm inside the Castle Bedelia today and enjoy another of My Favorite Things.
My plasma TV.....Here she is in all her glory, just hanging there looking beautiful.
It is amazing that this black screen can be turned into living art. She can be a virtual fish tank with beautiful tropical fish swimming (and you never have to feed them!!).....
Or a visit to a Caribbean beach complete with crashing waves and the ocean's roar....
Or on a winter day she can become a fireplace, complete with crackling logs burning....
Isn't technology wonderful?
Countess Bedelia 1/14/2008 11:28:00 AM