Thursday, March 13, 2008
Let's wrap this trip up.....
On our last night in Miami Beach, Black & Tan Mark treated us to dinner at the Cafe Maurice. We sat out on the sidewalk and enjoyed a lovely dinner. The weather was balmy and delightful. Thank you, Mark, for the dinner and for your friendship.
The China Grill building across the street from the Cafe cast a beautiful glow over the neighborhood. The colors are constantly changing and look spectacular at night.
After dinner, we went to The Palace to have a farewell drink with a few friends. Here are the hunky FedEx man, Andy, and Connie Chung with The Countess. We missed our pal Mikey, but he is studying for his final law school exams so that he will be able to bail us out on our next visit!!
Mr. and Mrs. Astor showed up to say goodbye. As we walked back to the Castle, both the Countess duBarry and I were sad to leave this wonderful place full of happy memories.
After dinner, we went to The Palace to have a farewell drink with a few friends. Here are the hunky FedEx man, Andy, and Connie Chung with The Countess. We missed our pal Mikey, but he is studying for his final law school exams so that he will be able to bail us out on our next visit!!
BUT.....the show must go on and so we drove up the coast to Jupiter to see our friend, Mimi Hines, performing in "The Full Monty" at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre. I already posted one of the reviews from the show and, let me tell you, Mimi was outstanding and so was the rest of the cast.
On the way we stopped at the Wally Findlay Gallery in Palm Beach to check on my friend, the artist, Michael Allen Lowe's paintings. There are only two left in that gallery. The gallery manager was delighted to take my picture with the two paintings and tell me how excited they all are about Michael's solo show at the New York Gallery on June 4th.
Then we met up with Tosca15 in Boca Raton for dinner and a few other adventures that shall not be posted here!!! The next day, as we ventured out to do some sightseeing, the Countess duBarry said that she had a 'surprise' for me. Thinking that she was treating me to some fabulous place for lunch, I was all excited. Imagine my 'surprise' when she pulled into a trailer park and threw me out!!!!! It seems that she and Mrs. Astor had been plotting my downfall for days.....jealous b**ches that they are....humpf! Countess duBarry insisted on taking my picture to prove to Mrs. Astor that she had done her bidding.
Just after the picture was taken, the owner of the trailer emerged. A formidable woman brandishing a frying pan, she wanted to know why we were taking pictures in front of her trailer! I saved our asses by saying that I collect butterflies and saw her beautiful lawn ornament as we were driving by and wanted a picture. She said that she thought we were from the IRS! I jumped into the car and we peeled out of there fast before the shotguns came out!!
Just after the picture was taken, the owner of the trailer emerged. A formidable woman brandishing a frying pan, she wanted to know why we were taking pictures in front of her trailer! I saved our asses by saying that I collect butterflies and saw her beautiful lawn ornament as we were driving by and wanted a picture. She said that she thought we were from the IRS! I jumped into the car and we peeled out of there fast before the shotguns came out!!
Oh, duBarry, for shame! He made up to me by taking me to Taboo in Palm Beach for lunch. Very nice!
We did take a walk along the Jupiter beach where the waves were crashing on the shore.
That night it was off to the theatre to see Mimi.
We both enjoyed the show so much but even more was the chance to visit with Mimi. She is such a nice, friendly, warm person. I found this article written when she was doing a Cabaret at New York's crown jewel club, Feinstein's At The Regency a couple of years ago which describes so well just how nice she is. Always a compliment and a cheerful word. I love her!
I can't believe that I did not take one picture that night. We went out with several members of the cast and I was thrilled that they knew about the Berkshire Theatre Festival and said they would love to work there. And one of the actresses had performed in South Pacific at the Barrington Stage Company in Pittsfield. They were all so talented; I hope to see them performing in the Berkshires some day.
The next day, after another five hour delay at the airport, we flew back to Boston. (You can really make a lot of friends with stranded travelers in the airport bar in 5 hours...we almost missed our plane!) So ends another Miami adventure. Until next time......
Countess Bedelia 3/13/2008 12:10:00 PM
Something tells me you're already making plans for the next Winter Party! If you need another break, there is also the Winter Music Conference the last week of March.
Very entertaining, Countess.