Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday Washing

The Countess has been recovering from a deathly illness caused, no doubt, from overexposure to Glenlivet and other Miami Vices. While reclining on my chaise lounge, wearing a Dior dressing gown, with only my household jewels to add a little sparkle to my life, I amused myself by looking through my many scrapbooks. I seem to accumulate bits of trivia from here and there on the internets and I found these little gems to share with you.

Here is something that everyone loves (sometimes)....Children!

This one I dedicate to my dear friends, the Countess du Barry and Mrs. Astor...

These two gentleman have been nominated for Husband of the Year....

My doctor always tells me to excercise more (she doesn't consider barstooling a proper sport) and I just say.....

The Countess du Barry is always threatening to convene the Council of Countesses and exile me to a trailer park for my bad behavior. I finally found one that lives up to my standards....
Political cartoons are always fun to see. The Larry Craig scandal provided a lot of fodder for the cartoon mill. He recently announced that he would not be running for reelection. What a surprise!

This has always been one of my favorites. No caption needed. Pictures ARE worth a thousand words...

Finally, here is a picture of one of the many floral tributes I received to hasten my recovery...

Countess Bedelia 3/26/2008 09:54:00 PM


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