Monday, April 21, 2008
The Dinner Party...
Chef Peter Barry cooked up a feast for the dinner party at the Castle Bedelia.
Mr. B arrives with a fine wine!
After the rest of the guests arrived, Chef Peter presented the Antipasto....a masterpiece!!
Then the pork roast with mango stuffing....
Chef Peter was a little tired after all this cooking AND doing the dishes too!!
but Mr. B. cheered him up....
This is the pork roast after the guests dug in...
And for the finale, Mr. B. waves to all his admirers...
Thank you Peter for a wonderful feast. The Glenlivet was poured, the wine decanted, and the martinis were made with a flair. Everyone had a great time; in fact, I thought several were going to stay over to make sure they got some leftovers the next day!!
Countess Bedelia 4/21/2008 01:01:00 PM
Awee it looks like it was such a decadent spread of food! I hope everyone had as much fun as it appears they did. All my best! :) Here's one for the Countess - truly the Hostess with the mostest! ;)