Friday, May 30, 2008

Body of War

The Countess is taking a break from her regular schedule of frivolous reporting normally found on this blog. Below this post, you will find a video made by the political organization MoveOn. and I urge you to watch it and see the hypocrisy that the Republican party as represented by McCain and George Bush bring to the table.

The Countess has been searching for a way to make a difference in this world. I have supported, got out in the trenches, and spoken about the need for our nation to make gay marriage legal so that all citizens can be equal under Federal law. I have supported political organizations who have opposed Bush and his administration and have donated money to get the message out about the lies this administration has told to its citizens about 9/11, about the Iraq war, about the Hurricane Katrina disgrace, and have petitioned for Bush to be impeached for his crimes. All of this is like a faucet dripping......constant aggravation and waiting for a plumber to come to fix the problem. Unfortunately for some, the plumber never comes....much like the mythical search for Osama Bin Laden.

There is a documentary out there, Body of War. It is a story about a young man, Thomas Young, who was injured in the Iraq war and his struggle to make a life for himself after returning to the U.S with his devastating injuries. It is the story of every one of our sons who has fought in this war and found out just how much our country does NOT support us when we return from doing our duty. It is another reflection of the ineptitude of the Bush administration. It is another example of how our elected officials of both parties abandoned the American people for political considerations. It is a powerful statement of humanity. This film is having a limited run in theaters. If it is coming to a theater near you, go to see it. It has a powerful impact. See the trailer on YouTube here. This has also been the subject of a PBS Special by Bill Moyers.

The Countess gives kudos to Phil Donahue and Ellen Spiro for creating this powerful, yet sensitive, documentary. SEE THIS FILM. YOU WILL BE MOVED, EDUCATED, AND INSPIRED.

Yes, we all sometime feel helpless to make a change in this day and age, but one person can change the person at a time. Perhaps this film will be the catalyst that you need to make a difference.

All we can do is try...........the sin is when we don't try at all.
Countess Bedelia 5/30/2008 09:37:00 PM


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