Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Berkshire Theatre Festival 80th Birthday Celebration - Act Two

As we drove into the Main Stage parking at BTF, we flashed our VIP Birthday Parking Sticker and were ushered into the lower parking area. The cocktail reception was going on and one of the first people I ran into was Sir Stew, First Knight of the Berkshires (otherwise known as the Director of Audience Services!)...

Stew told me that Rolfe was playing his guitar under the tent and I had to say hello to him. You might remember Rolfe from a previous post when he performed at Open Mike night at Rumpy's Tavern a couple of Sundays ago. He has been booked for a few nights at Rumpy's, so make sure that you get over there to see him. Isn't he a cutie?

Liz, the Associate Producer for BTF, showed off her new hairdo, which was created by none other than Baron Ricky!

Here is Liz showing off her beautiful dress. I thought it came out the Sex and the City wardrobe closet...

Andrew wanted a picture with The Countess. He told me that he was dressing up for the Paint Shop Party later but wouldn't reveal his costume. I'd have to go to the party to see him. (I think he is angling to be Knighted!)

Soon, Ryan Chittaphong, the House Manager, was ringing the bell to usher us into the theater for the opening night performance of Candida. Before the performance everyone was given a glass of champagne to toast the 80th birthday of the Berkshire Theatre Festival. Kate Maguire was given a check from the Massachusetts Cultural Council in the amount of $160,000 to assist BTF in its goal to improve the facilities and grounds. A few speeches were given and then it was on with the show!

Jayne Atkinson as Candida, BTF press photo

Finn Wittrock and David Schramm, BTF press photo

Michel Gill, David Schramm, Samantha Soule, BTF press photo

Candida was written by George Bernard Shaw in 1894, and as with all enduring art, the themes of love, fidelity, and the imagination of the artist are as relevent today as they were then. Wonderful performance from the whole cast. Finn Wittrock and David Schramm especially impressed me. Make sure you get your tickets for this one!

After the performance came the after party with birthday cake....and then the after-after party in the Paint Shop....but that is Act Three!

Countess Bedelia 6/25/2008 09:44:00 PM


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