Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Dear Diary....
What has The Countess been up to lately? It has been over a week since I wrote in my diary! How did the time go by so fast? Every time I say that I am going to start slowing down, it seems that I step on the gas and speed up!
Early in the week that famous rock star, Bennett Harrington, stopped by and took The Countess out to dinner. I love my Bennett! It was good to see him and catch up a bit. I'll always be his oldest groupie. Here is Bennett checking out Tony Lee Thomas' Myspace page at Command Central....
Then it was time for the Supermodel Birthday Party. Rumpy's Tavern was attacked by the Pink Balloon Fairy who literally covered every inch of ceiling with pink balloons and dangling streamers. When I arrived, Stew and Erin were standing outside and they were totally traumatized by the whole phenomenon. We gathered our courage and braved the onslaught of pinkitis.
But the pink balloons were nothing compared to the birthday gift.....
Santa is waving inside a circle of light in the top half of this clock and then in the bottom half is a scenic view of Niagara Falls. The Countess was speechless and in awe of this thing. Who would create such a thing to begin with? Where would you buy such a thing? It must have been on a table on Canal Street....that's all I could think of.
Here is Supermodel Shaina with Prince Troy behind the bar...
Stew, Erin, and Justina were taking it all in....
And, once again, can Ricky Fromeyer take a bad picture?
The Book Club Play was ending on Saturday night at the Main Stage at Berkshire Theatre Festival. The cast became quite fond of the beautiful Berkshires and didn't want to leave. It seemed every night was a party along with the Pageant Play cast....a fun-loving group...just my kind of people.
Here is Bhavesh Patel and C.J. Wilson belting out a rendition of "Staying Alive"..
While Keira, Jenn, and Daiva cheered them on....
In between parties, I managed to get a little culture. Berkshire Theatre Festival is having a Friday afternoon lecture series this year and they had a play reading of "Morning, Noon, and Night", a new play by Chris Newbound. Very nicely acted by Kate Maguire, Jerry Krasser, and James Barry. After the reading, there was a Q&A with the playwright and lots of interesting ideas were bounced around.
Over at the Chester Theatre Company, I took in a production of "Almost, Maine". One of my new friends, Jim Beaudin, is one of the four actors in the play. I thoroughly enjoyed this production and was impressed by the company itself. It is located in a very small town in the middle of nowhere but has a wonderfully professional and thriving theatre company. It was almost standing room only at the performance I attended.
Manon Halliburton and Jim Beaudin
(Chester Theatre Company press photo)
Then it was "Dumb Joke Night at Rumpy's Tavern". You know how you get silly and start telling bad jokes. It seemed that everyone had at least one and the contest was on to see who could win the title! Here are a couple I will share with you and then you will understand completely just how bad these jokes were:
Q: Where can you find a dog with no legs?
A: Right where you left him!
Q: What time does a Chinese go to the dentist?
A: Tooth-thirty
You be the judge!
Then Jesse did some of his magic cards tricks. The famous actor, Jason Asprey, acted as his assistant...
Over at Moe's Tavern in Lee, The Countess met Josh, the owner. He opened Moe's last October and it has become a very popular place in the area. He offers over 200 varieties of beer.
There are all kinds of cute signs and oddities on the walls. Can you spot the bottle of Glenlivet on the shelf?
WOW! This has been a long post. What are you doing still reading this? Go out and have some fun yourself!
Countess Bedelia 7/22/2008 02:38:00 AM
Moe's Tavern. Can it keep getting more interesting; looks like you are taming the rustics.
BTW You do NOT want that clock.
BTW You do NOT want that clock.