Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Dr. Seuss: "Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."
On Sunday The Countess was invited to a "Director's Wine and Cheese" to meet the director and playwright for a new play "The Goatwoman of Corvis County" at Shakespeare & Co. It was held at the new Production and Performing Arts Center (PaPA) which had just been opened. The building is beautiful and I look forward to seeing many plays there in the future.
After the party I stayed for a performance of 'Goatwoman' starring the delightful Keira Naughton.
I met Keira earlier this summer when she was performing in The Book Club Play at Berkshire Theatre Festival. She is a wonderful actress and sooooo funny! Keira and her friends formed a band called "The Peterson's" . Just looking at the videos and reading their clever bios on their website has had me laughing all afternoon.
Another invitation this week came from my friends, Jan and Hermine. They love chamber music and Tanglewood and they were having a private concert in their home by the New Fromm Players (sponsored by the Fromm Music Foundation at Harvard). The Players performed a program consisting of Haydn, Mozart, and several original compositions by the Composition Fellows. It was wonderful!!!!! After the concert, Hermine brought out this beautiful cake decorated with the performers names.....
Taking a walk around town, I had to snap a few photos of some of the unique sculpture that you can see as you walk down the street.
I'm not sure what this bench is made out of but it is very pretty....
These dogs look like they are having fun....
I'm not too sure what this is but it is on display anyway....
When I walked out the front door, this antique car was parked in front of the house. The Countess remembers riding around in one of these when she was young.....and now it is antique!!!
Oh Boy! Time flies when you are having fun!
Countess Bedelia 8/13/2008 06:29:00 PM