Monday, August 18, 2008
The Principessa makes a State Visit....
Adam couldn't wait to get his hands on her.....
Sir Stew and Erin were among the welcoming committee.....
Here is a better picture of Sir Stew's shirt which has the Berkshire Crest and the words "Sir Stew, First Knight of the Berkshires" printed on it.....
The Countess and the Principessa......
Later in the evening, Jack came in and took a seat at the bar. Jack is blind and has been making the trip to the Berkshires to go to Tanglewood and listen to the beautiful music for over 20 years. He was having a great time that week and The Countess had a great time sharing some laughs with him.....

The next night was the opening of "Noel Coward in Two Keys" at the Berkshire Theatre Festival. This was Noel Coward's last play that he wrote and, as in all good plays that survive the test of time, the subjects are still relevant today. You can read an excellent review of the play here.
Here are Janine, the Principessa, The Countess, and Gian Murray Gianino (one of the stars of the play) at the reception following the performance.....
The theme for the after-after party was Prom and most of the girls were dressed up for it.....
Tory was channeling her inner Marilyn Monroe......Isn't she gorgeous!!!
But it was "Carrie" who was crowned Queen of the Prom!
Cooper came as a Chevalier and Halley was her adorable self.....
Can you recognize Swamp Thing????
And Sir Alex, First Knight of the Hills, put his Space Cadet suit on.....
The next day we took a drive up to the Williamstown Theatre Festival to see C.J. Wilson in "Home" and then back to Stockbridge so that the Principessa could see "Waiting for Godot". After that, she was so tired out, she had to go back to the Summer Palace to rest. But The Countess carried on.....late night drinks at Rumpy's of course!
Rolfe was playing his final show for the summer.....

Cameron, Tory, Kerry (don't you recognize 'Carrie', the Queen of the Prom??) and Jessica were there to catch Rolfe's act.....

Jesus and Brian from Boston were in town with a friend. They made The Countess' blog last summer and came back for a repeat engagement.....
The Principessa has returned to her own palace where she will require two weeks rest to recover from her weekend with The Countess. I miss her already!