Friday, October 17, 2008
Holiday Weekend in the Berkshires - Act Two
Sunday morning the sun was shining and it was a perfect fall day in New England. The foliage colors were peaking and the tourists were out in full force.
Luckily The Countess knew that the best place to start the day was at Moe's Tavern in Lee. It was the one year birthday celebration for the Tavern.....otherwise known as the Moezapalooza!!!! Josh Cohen, the owner of the Tavern, put on a fantastic birthday party!
Josh was giving out lots of prizes including t-shirts....
The Countess won a t-shirt!!!!!
Peter Barry, otherwise known as the late Countess duBarry, showed up for the festivities....
The Countess promised this beautiful couple that she would post their picture on the blog.....
Gray and Travis posed for a picture with The Countess (who was actually drinking one of the two hundred beers offered at Moe's) before heading off to the BTF Fall Foliage celebration....
The Berkshire Theatre Festival Fall Foliage Celebration was the final party for this year by the theater......A ride on the Stockbridge train to Lee and Lenox and back....Which was the perfect place to view the foliage, meet and mingle with other theater people, and maybe have a Glenlivet or two! Rolfe was entertaining the crowd at the Stockbridge Station.
The Crown Prince of the Berkshire Theatre, Sir Alex Hill, posed with The Countess....
Our happy bartenders on the train, Andrew and Travis, gave a big high five!!
The Royal Couple of the Berkshire Theatre, Kate Maguire and Eric Hill, were sitting right across the aisle.....
At the bar, Andrew, Travis, and Steve were guarding the Glenlivet....
After the train ride we all went over to the Unicorn Theatre for a fantastic performance by Judy Kaye and David Green. A really wonderful time was had by all!!!
Then some of us headed over to Rumpy's Tavern to finish the night off. Liz ended up being the Magician's assistant.....
And good friends posed for a picture among the spooooooky decorations.....
So ends our Holiday Weekend in the Berkshires!! There might have been a party or two that we didn't cover here but what happens in the Berkshires....Stays in the Berkshires!
Countess Bedelia 10/17/2008 07:51:00 PM
Countess, that picture of the Berkshires in autumn colours brought tears to my eyes. And this time I can visualise all the place you mention in you blog.
I'm glad you had such a wonderful day.
I'm glad you had such a wonderful day.