Monday, November 10, 2008
National Protest Day against the California Prop. 8 vote
Please join The Countess and millions of other people who think that votes against gays are votes against civil rights for all.
"Join the Impact" is organizing a National Protest Day on Saturday, November 15th. Click the link and find a rally near you.
You can print the flyer here.
We beat the religious wingnuts and bigots TWICE in Massachusetts. We can do it across the nation!
I am so proud to be attending the wedding of my dear friends, Adam and Scott, that very night. Thankfully in Massachusetts they have the right to love each other and commit to each other and enjoy the congratulations of their family and friends.
And to my friends and family who do belong to religions that do not honor my friend's marriage, I say to you:
I don't go to your church and tell you what to do. Please do not come to my life and tell me how to live. In this great country of ours we are supposed to have a separation of church and state. That is so the people of all faiths...or none...can enjoy freedom from persecution and have equal rights under the law.
Countess Bedelia 11/10/2008 07:43:00 PM