Thursday, November 06, 2008
Now that the excitement of the election is over, The Countess can get back to posting about important things! But first I just have to say a word about the votes in California, Florida, and Arizona which banned gay marriage. It is extremely disappointing to me to think that there are so many people out there who voted for this. Very disappointing. But I am hopeful for the future now that the worst President in history will soon be out of the White House.
That said, let's get back to the fun that was had last weekend! Four parties in two nights....and I had to skip a couple because The Countess can only be in one place at a time!!!
Tony Lee Thomas was playing at Rumpy's Tavern on Saturday night and you know that The Countess never misses Tony if she can help it. He was looking so cute in his adorable hat....
Tony & Jason
The Naked band ladies, Julia and Rachel, joined him on stage for a couple of songs. These ladies have such beautiful voices. I first heard them up at Dream Away during the summer.
Kelly, who I met on Halloween night, returned to see Tony play. She came all the way from England to intern at a local hotel for a year.
Then I met Mimi and James who were in town for a getaway weekend. Mimi friended me on MySpace so we will keep in touch that way. Come back to the Berkshires soon, my new friends.
After catching up with Tony, it was off to see Crankenstein at Flavours. Here is Sabrina, the master chef at Flavours, and Dawn, Crankenstein's wife who has her own band Pariah, with The Countess....
Dawn is running a benefit at Flavours on Sunday, November 16th, from 12 to 5. "Berkshire Musicians for a Cure" will feature bands, food, and good times. Tickets are only $10 at the door. Hope to see you all there.
Chin, the owner of Flavours, was colorful as always in his retro 1970's outfit. He always gets The Countess up for a dance....
It was great to see everyone at Flavours. I hadn't been over there for awhile. They are so friendly and always make sure you have a good time.
Countess Bedelia 11/06/2008 12:50:00 PM