Thursday, December 11, 2008
The Countess is off to visit the Big Apple today!
As I mentioned in my last post, I'll be seeing Philip Taratula's play, "Call me Anne".
He has gotten some terrific reviews:
"The vigorous Mr. Taratula is a committed, winning performer whose poison darts bear traces of sympathy…Mr. Taratula comments on the pervasiveness of secrecy for performers in same-sex relationships. But his larger targets are the insecurity of actors and the desperate, delirious excesses of Hollywood spirituality." –Andy Webster, New York Times
"An hourlong one-man tour de force … Taratula the performer, under Matt McGrath's direction, has a terrific conviction that sells the comedy and absurdity of Heche's life … Call Me Anne reveals a talented writer and performer who has a gift ..."-Mark Peikert, Backstage
"Taratula is brilliantly gifted and you really should come and see him before he's whisked away to stardom of some sort. There are just so many little moments in the performance that shine … he plays a bunch of parts flawlessly and nailed Heche perfectly...but it's the little things that Taratula does right." –Matthew Freeman, On Theatre and Politics
Several friends and I are meeting tomorrow night to see Philip and enjoy his performance. If you are in New York City, come to the Access Theater and join us.
Countess Bedelia 12/11/2008 10:52:00 AM