Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wasn't going to write anything but today is a historic day for the United States of America.

I remember 8 years ago when I was still in shock that George Bush was the President of our nation. Then 4 years ago, I ranted and raved and felt so sad that this man was STILL the President of our nation. I hope the people that voted for him got what they deserved.....because the rest of us certainly got royally screwed.

But enough of the past, a new day has dawned. And I would be remiss if I did not honor Barack Hussein Obama today.

Obama gave his inaugural speech today as a speech of unity, inclusion, challenge, and hope. It won't be an easy road ahead because of the legacy he has been left with but he reached out to all of us in this country and to the world community. I am hopeful that his vision will prevail. We have been too long polarized by ideology and rhetoric and we need to find the humanity in all of us to let us be different but still be citizens of this great nation.

Equality for all! And who better to bring us to that wonderful state but our first African American President.....Barack Hussein Obama!

Now I am watching the Neighborhood Ball and bawling my eyes out at Beyonce's song and the First Couple's dance. As a good friend said to me earlier, I am verklempt.
Countess Bedelia 1/20/2009 09:50:00 AM


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