Wednesday, February 11, 2009
"Dirty Dancing" premieres in Boston....

When an iconic movie becomes a stage play, you just have to pay a little attention to it.

Then when an actor that you know and admire takes a role in said stage play, you need to pay even more attention.
Such was the case for The Countess when Jonathan Epstein decided to take the role of Max Kellerman in the recreation of the iconic movie, Dirty Dancing. Jon is an award winning actor here in the Northeast and has had many dramatic leading roles in plays in Boston, New York, and at Shakespeare & Co. and the Berkshire Theatre Festival. I am a great admirer of his work.

So I schlepped over to the opening night of Dirty Dancing at The Opera House in Boston. I was very impressed with the wonderful dancing and the recreation of the movie that obviously impressed the show's fans.......loud shouts went up at several important scenes recreated from the movie....especially when Johnny comes in at the end and says: "Nobody puts Baby in the corner." Loud cheers went up from the audience!

So if you are in the Boston area, get over to see the show. Hopefully it will be continuing on to Broadway...........You can't keep a mambo team down!!
Countess Bedelia 2/11/2009 12:03:00 AM