Thursday, July 16, 2009
"The Best of all Possible Worlds"

The Countess has been suffering from a Common Cold for the past week. Is there no justice? How can Royalty suffer a Common Cold? Perhaps the apocalypse is near!
I did manage to make it to Linda's Big Birthday Party for a few minutes last weekend at....where else? Rumpy's Tavern, of course! She had lots of family and friends in attendance and a big table of gifts. Naturally, as members of my court, the ladies wore crowns....

(Linda is the second one on the left)
Entertainment was provided by Robby and his band....

Janine accompanied me to the party and bonded with Troy. We are turning Janine into a Party Girl! I love that Janine is always enthusiastic about every event.....

Even though I had to rise from my death bed, I couldn't miss the opening night of "Candide" at the Berkshire Theatre Festival Unicorn Theatre. My dear friend, Ralph Petillo, directed this delightful production and, as I posted previously, his enthusiasm is infectious. If you want to laugh and forget your troubles, see this wonderful show that let's you live in 'The Best of all Possible Worlds'.

McCaela Donovan is perfection as Cunegonde. It is worth a trip to the theater just to hear her beautiful soprano voice tripping up and down the scales.....

Julian Whitley is a handsome Candide and Julia Broder is hilarious as 'the old'. That is Samantha Richert in the background. Samantha plays the Baroness with all the proper regal airs. I told her she could keep her crown!

The entire cast......

All photos from Candide courtesy of the Berkshire Theatre Festival website
There might have been an appearance at the paint shop party later in the evening but not for long. Although I did hear that it was the shortest paint shop party on record. I guess once The Countess goes home, the party is over!
Countess Bedelia 7/16/2009 11:19:00 AM