Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bay Windows honors Ted Kennedy

This picture is from Bay Windows, New England's largest GLBT newspaper. There are several essays about Ted Kennedy in this issue. One that means the most to The Countess is written by Marc Solomon , who led MassEquality, and outlines the key role that Ted played in keeping gay marriage legal in Massachusetts.
As a straight woman working the polls and asking for petition signatures back when we were trying to win in the legislature what had already been won in the court, it would have been heart-breaking to lose this fundamental right. In my sheltered world, I had never really experienced homophobia, but facing strangers in the street brought home this horrible truth to me. Thanks to Ted Kennedy, we prevailed. As Marc relates:
"In the end, on that July 14, we won. We won what many thought was an impossible victory, by a vote of 151 - 45, keeping our opponents just below the 25 percent threshold. We shocked our opponents. They were sure they had the votes. Just the kind of come-from-behind, unexpected victory for the little guy that Kennedy relished so much."
Read Marc's article to see just how Ted Kennedy saved the day for gay citizens in Massachusetts.
Countess Bedelia 8/27/2009 11:38:00 AM


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