Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Winter Party 2010 Memories...

My trip to Miami Beach was just too short but packed with so many adventures and catching up with old friends and making new ones.

One of my new friends is Jordan.  Mrs. Astor was so excited to introduce me to this charming young man.  At the Opening Night Cocktail Party he was working the table for the Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf , an organization which was set up to advance the interests of LGBT deaf citizens.

I would be remiss if I didn't share this picture of the "Henrietta Basket" that Mrs. Astor put together and donated as one of the raffle items.  The basket included the book authored by Mrs. Astor commemorating Henrietta's fabulous life in Miami Beach over the past 6 plus years. She isn't known as the "Queen of South Beach" for nothing.  A wonderful tribute to a fabulous person...

I also had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of Barry Rocklin, a noted pianist who plays gigs all over the place.  He was just at The Piano Bar in the DeLido building on Lincoln Road but if you missed him, you will have to come to Boston.  He is back in Beantown today and I look forward to seeing him play soon.
Here is Barry with Mrs. Astor and Leo waving the Countess sign at The Palace!  They carried that sign up and down Ocean Drive all day and night :)

Over at Twist one afternoon, The Countess got behind the bar and we all know that means nothing but trouble!  Good thing that the adorable Tommy was working that bar.  They only had one bottle of Glenlivet and when I moved on to another bar inside Twist, Tommy gave me the bottle to carry with me.  Carl Zablotny, that veteran news reporter, said he wished he had a picture of that!!

When I was over at the Surfcomber talking with the staff about the food for my Cabana at the Pool Party, I jokingly mentioned that last year the people at the Showtime cabana next to me had eaten most of the food before my guests could get to it.  Imagine my surprise when I saw they had put up this sign at the Cabana....

Of course I ended up treating everyone up on the Balcony to the food.  How could I not?  They were all delightful partiers!

One of The Countess good friends who does so much volunteer work for just about every LGBT cause in Miami Beach is Luis or, as we know him, Le Compte Lamont.  He is on the Winter Party Committee and was in charge of the Opening Night Cocktail Party...

Another person I was privileged to meet is Charles Robbins, the Executive Director of The Trevor Project, the national organization that focuses on crisis and suicide prevention of gay youth and maintains a national around-the-clock Hotline.  When I was younger, I volunteered as a Hotline Counselor for HAWC (Help for Abused Women and Children) and I know first hand how important that phone call can be to someone who needs help.  Charles and I had a wonderful talk and plan to meet in the future to discuss this very worthy organization.

And just because cute boys find me everywhere I go, here is some gratuitous eye candy.  These young men came up to find me and they were completely adorable...

What a great time the whole time I was there!  Sending kisses to everyone in South Beach!!
Countess Bedelia 3/16/2010 08:02:00 PM


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