Thursday, April 22, 2010

Miami Beach Pride Parade & Pool Party...

What a great day!  The weather was perfect...slightly cloudy so that the hot sun was not beating down on you, high 70's, with a nice breeze off the ocean.  We were perched above Ocean Drive at the Hotel Victor pool looking down on the parade route.

The parade was spectacular.  Sharon Gless and Dan Choi served as Grand Marshalls....

And when the rainbow flag marched by, I cried with happiness...

At the pool my cabana mates were having a grand time....

Leo, Stephen, Maria, Countess, Mark, Mrs. Astor

Then Mark decided to jump in the pool with his pink tube....

Adrian from England, who was stranded by the volcanic ash disaster, joined our party....

It's not a party on SoBe without Gary (The South Beach Bum) and his partner Eddie.  They have been together 17 years!!!  Go to Gary's blog to see some wonderful pictures of the parade.  He is one of the best photographers on the beach.

So many friends, all having a great time....

A big thanks to Thomas Barker for organizing the pool party and offering one of the two cabanas to The Countess.  Go to his Wire Magazine site for more great pictures taken that fabulous day.
Countess Bedelia 4/22/2010 10:46:00 AM


Thanks for the spectacular pics, Countess! I feel as though I was there. What a wonderfully meaningful day.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries at Gay Pride parades, Countess! I've been going for years and I always become emotional, but they're happy tears.

After just viewing the photos at The Wire I can only say how wonderful it must have been to see so many beautiful friends out and about, enjoying the day and being free to be who they are. It gives hope. My fave pics: "smile if you're gay," "come out come out wherever you are," "I love my gay son," and Thomas' hat, "hey mom, I'm gay." Well done, Thomas!

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