Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another opening, another show...

One of the things that I love about the Berkshire Theatre Festival is their children's programs.  During the winter they have programs in 17 schools in Berkshire County and in the summer they run the BTF!Plays camps.  Last Friday was the first performance of a Camp play, "The Misadventures of Dr. Bubble Brain", which was written by a 5th grade student during one of the school classes. Absolutely delightful and entertaining. 

Natalia Bystrianyk, Katee Brown, and Harrison Gibbons in BTF PLAYS! 2009-2010 production of Hansel and Gretel's Grimm Tale. BTF photo

The Countess is proud to support these programs.  Many of the children who attend the camps are assisted by the Richie DuPont Foundation.  Please consider making a donation so that these important programs can continue.

Saturday night was the opening night of 'The Guardsman', a hilarious tale of treachery, deception, and assumed identities that has inspired three separate films.  Hilariously played by the real life husband and wife team of Michel Gill and Jayne Atkinson, the play inspires a laugh a minute!

The party after the opening night show is a great time to catch up with friends like Catherine, who is the founder of The Wharton Salon....

And Lady Boninski, another great friend....

After the opening night party at the theater is the Paint Shop Party for all the kids...and The Countess!  It has become a tradition to have a Knighting ceremony during the party.  The buzz goes around all week before the party..."Who will be knighted?  Will it be me? me? me?"  Such silly fun !!

Sir Tyler, First Knight of the Countess Court receives his honor.

Sir Steve, First Knight of the LOST Island, is now in the service of The Countess!

So much fun!!!
Countess Bedelia 7/20/2010 11:50:00 PM


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