Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Labor Day Weekend is upon us...

Everyone is probably looking forward to Labor Day weekend.  An extra day off from work and maybe a little vacation to look forward to.

The Countess is off on a jet plane tomorrow to Washington, DC.  A very special friend is starring in "Twelfth Night" at the Shakespeare Theater and he invited me to attend a performance.  Never one to turn down an adventure, I am jetting in for the day to have dinner and see the play and then flying out on Friday.  Pick my car up at the airport and drive to the Berkshires.

Saturday night will bring dinner with a friend and then Opening Night performance of "No Wake" at the Berkshire Theatre Festival Unicorn Theater. 

Sunday might find me on the lawn at Tanglewood for the Jazz Festival.  We had a great time there last Sunday for the last Boston Symphony Orchestra performance of the summer.  Under the spreading maple tree we laid our blankets, chairs, and goodies, and listened to some wonderful music on a beautiful, perfect Berkshire summer day. I can't take any credit for this....Bill and Don did most of the heavy lifting!

Looks like an another adventure for The Countess.  Hope you all have an exciting weekend too !!!
Countess Bedelia 9/01/2010 08:27:00 PM


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