Wednesday, September 08, 2010

"The sun will come out tomorrow...."

Annie is opening this weekend at the Berkshire Theatre Festival.  The Advocate has an interesting article about the production and what it is like working with 120 children from the community here.

BTF!Plays is the year round education program that serves the children of Berkshire County.  In these tough economic times, many children would never be exposed to theater without programs like this.  "A life without art is a life not worth living", so sayeth The Countess.  Many schools can no longer afford to have programs like this any more. So if you are able to donate, no matter the sum, please consider clicking on this link and giving our children a chance to experience live theater.

The Countess and the Royal Granddaughter, "Baby Countess", will be in the audience enjoying this delightful show.  Hope to see you there too!
Countess Bedelia 9/08/2010 11:52:00 AM


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