Friday, October 08, 2010

New York City Living.....

Oh my, New York City living doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging.  I have moved into the Winter Castle way up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  It's a wonderful 'hood only two blocks from Central Park...and the limo service is on speed dial!

Looking over my calendar for the past three weeks:

VIP Party with two handsome celebrity men as my escorts,  Brunch with two other stars of the theater scene and a baby scene stealer, Azzurra, to brighten the day, First night preview on Broadway for my two friends in Bloody, Bloody, Andrew Jackson,  a night at Our Hit Parade at Joe's Pub where The Countess hostessed the Royal Table, several nights at the theater to see friends in their plays....I Love New York !!!

I always said that when I retired I would give myself some time in New York City, so here I am!  I might be living life backwards but now I can indulge in the life that I might have lived in my 20s if things had been different. 

Wish me well on my crazy journey.  I'm about to begin my 9th life !!!!
Countess Bedelia 10/08/2010 02:50:00 AM


Living life backwards? I can see your life's movie now - The Curious Case of Bedelia Button :)

I must get to NYC soon!


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