Tuesday, September 04, 2012

"Be prepared"

"Be prepared," I was told, "for lots of rain in October and November in Paris."  So I googled 'Paris in the rain' and, voila! several blogs and articles popped up.

This article on Eurocheapo.com gives recommendations for 5 activities for Paris when it drizzles.

This blog post describes lots of food options to chase away the gloomy weather, and I love the last sentence, "It could always be worse, n'est-ce pas??"

Another 'Rainy Day in Paris' blog describes what the author calls a "serendipitous discovery"....the  MUSÉE DES LETTRES ET MANUSCRITS.   "This museum had an amazing collection of letters and manuscripts by the likes of Byron, George Sand, Colette, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Baudelaire, Jules Verne, Proust, Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, Mozart, Beethoven, Monet, Van Gogh, Thomas Edison and Einstein - and this just to give you a few examples." to quote the blogger.

Looks like a little rain won't stop me!  I added the following items to my packing list: raincoat, rainboots, and 2 umbrellas.

Day 11 Preparation for Paris trip:  Buy a new umbrella

Countess Bedelia 9/04/2012 09:12:00 AM


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