Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Le Bistrot Paul Bert – Paris

My dear friend, Catherine, recommended Le Bistrot Paul Bert  and so I wanted to document it on the blog for reference when I get to Paris.  She said the food was so good that she and her husband photographed themselves eating it!

A quick search on Google came up with several travelers guide recommendations:

From Zagat: “Off the beaten path” in the 11th lies this “boisterous” bistro serving a “solid”, midpriced menu “with beef the star” (“best steaks in town” claim many) plus “interesting” wines; the old-school look is straight “out of central casting”, as are the “brusque” waiters, adding up to “everything” one “imagined a French bistro would be.”

The restaurant is located at 18, rue Paul Bert, in the 11th arrondisement. Metro: Faidherbe-Chaligny

Hours: Tues-Sat 12pm-2pm and 7:30pm-11pm; closed Sun & Mon

The desserts look heavenly....

dessert al grand marnier
Day 19 Preparation for Paris trip:  Visit The Patisserie Lenox and buy a French dessert!
Countess Bedelia 9/12/2012 12:32:00 PM


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