Monday, September 10, 2012

Pont Alexandre III

This bridge, with its exuberant Art Nouveau lamps, cherubs, nymphs, and winged horses at either end, was built between 1896 and 1900. It is named after Tsar Alexander III who had concluded the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1892. His son Nicholas II laid the foundation stone in October 1896. The style of the bridge reflects that of the Grand Palais, to which it leads on the right bank.

View of Seine river and Eiffel Tower through the sculpture on the famous Pont Alexander III bridge in Paris, France.

I intend to stroll over many of the famous Paris bridges while I am there.  To practice strolling over bridges, I walked across the Williamsburg Bridge while I was in New York City this weekend.  This is a picture of lower Manhattan taken from the walking path just before crossing over the East River.

 We are going to have SO MUCH FUN in Paris!” was the rallying cry this weekend. Cannot wait, mon ami!!

Day 17 Preparation for Paris trip:  Practice having “SO MUCH FUN” !!! J
Countess Bedelia 9/10/2012 06:09:00 PM


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