Thursday, September 06, 2012

In Paris, the best arrondissement to live in is ???

There are 20 arrondissements, and each arrondissement is attributed with its own number, according to the pattern of a spiral, beginning with the 1st arrondissement in the heart of the capital and ending with the 20th on the outer northwest.  Parisians describe their neighborhood by the arrondissement number instead of place names.

A broader division is applied by Rive Gauche (reev gohsh),meaning the Left Bank, the south side of the river Seine or Rive Droite (reev dro’aht), meaning the Right Bank, north side of the Seine.
A view of the Seine looking north from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
This website on expatica. Com gives a good explanation about the character of the different neighborhoods.

Since I will be staying in a private apartment in Paris, I have become very interested in the different arrondissements as each seems to have a different flavour to it.  I am so looking forward to exploring the arrondissement that I will be living in.

Day 13 Preparation for Paris trip:  Read more about the different arrondissements (can you tell I like this word?) of Paris
Countess Bedelia 9/06/2012 04:00:00 PM


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